Lisa Dannielle
Speaker, Singer, Songwriter, Entrepreneur and Author of "Your Hidden Season: Discovering the Beauty in the Wait"

"If your desire to be loved is stronger than your desire to please God, the enemy will find cunning ways to send love into your life..."
Lisa Dannielle
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"This book took some bravery. Think about it. We all want to tell the wonderful truths of what God has done for us, but we want to abbreviate it. We like talking about the victory, but very few want to discuss the discouraging, muddy, and downright ugly path that some of us had to take to get there. "
"Get ready to laugh and cry as you read through the pages of “Your Hidden Season, Discovering the Beauty in the Wait.” But more importantly get ready to see yourself, your circumstances and others, differently than you ever have before. You will never feel “hidden” again."
Pastor Kendall Bridges
Lead Pastor, Freedom Church
Author of
“Better Marriage, Against All Odds”
"The best book I have read with real life advice and sound biblical application. I can't tell you enough how this book will feed your spirit. There is nothing to compare it to because most Christian books for single women are written to ladies who have never been married! Love, love, loved it! "
Ashere Thigpen
Educator, Dallas, TX
"Lisa Danielle is straight forward, transparent, and extremely witty as she dispels some myths and reveals truth. This book will change your perspective if you will allow it to. I laughed, I cried, and it was quite comforting to know that I wasn't the only one who had experienced some of the same things that Lisa Danielle spoke about so candidly! I highly recommend that you take the time to read this book!"
Dr. Debra Gates, PhD
Motivational Speaker, Los Angeles, CA